Monday, 26 December 2011

Family Ties...26.12.2011

2nd day of Christmas, family and relatives far and near came together, we only see each other on festives season as we are staying apart, though some may stay just a door step away yet never had time to sit, eat and talk together as a family because everyone are too busy with their work, children etc., etc..  Glad that everyone are doing well, the little hip-cups in life is just part and parcel of life... Especially, those family members who are getting "senior" (jangan sebut perkataan tuai, sensitip! hehe) have to control what they eat... maioh amai penyakit ko sida iya... semua utai enda tau di empa, makai ubat aja meh... uncle (mom's brother) negur aku....".lama enda meda nn endun, nyau majak sihat nn diatu", uncle Tr (mom's cousin) terus inter-frame nyaut munyi tu--> "kitai suba bakanya meh rambau endun diatu, semua utai masuk magang, diatu amai kitai kurus tang sakit", then I answered them.."iya kati enda sihat, semua bp, sugar level, kulistril agik tahap "normal" then everyone broke into laughter...Enda sida nemu aku selalu sembiang ngasuh Tuhan meri aku pengerai ninting ari...ila madah ngagai sida iya aku agik sihat walafiat ma umur udah manggai 65 taun, ti 55 taun, agik biak ko uncle Tr madah tadi hahaha.

Family and relatives came all the way from Kuala Belait, Brunei and Kuching bisi datai tadi... Amai lelak saritu from 12 noon till 6:00 p.m..gelas pan enda sempat rangkai, pemaioh pengabang.. nasip anakx2 aku bisi nulong aunty (mummy Armand) serving, cleaning and washing. Baby Armand has been a good baby too, bendar meh tudah kena berap, cium, di passing kiba kanan...hehehe
me with son, daughter & nephew Armand
me with sis-in law, nephew and close family friend
and her daughter
Group Photo with my mum and mak AhLong with
her menantu (bini Ahlong), uchux2 & sis-in law
1st batch of pengabang, bro's neighbour and our family close 
friend from LA... bangsa cina
berandau ke pemutus PMR result anakx2
1st batch visitors baru pulai, so ngambik peluang posing
mom with mak AhLong (family friend frm LA)
my mom's brother with his family..with bala ari Kapits, 
seen here uncle Tr & his wife holding Armand; (above & below pics)
Me with aunty Dayang (uncle's wife from Kapit), seen here with her 
sister-in law and her mom (inik Kapit) - pics below
anakx2 buah uncle...and man in 
black collared-shirt.. uncle's bro-in law (pics below)
suba anakx2 aku mesai baby Armand, diatu nyau 
besai ari "aki" sida iya... me with cousin Jane, son, daughter
and uncle (mom's brother) - pics below
diatu enda nemu ni bagi anak, uchu, aki & uncle
sama pemesai hehehe
daughter & baby Armand, sama bulat and chelum mata 
seduai..."apple-eye" kami meh baby Armand!
cousin and his family members datai ari 
Kuala Belait.....(pics above & below)
bebesai bala anak cousin ari Kuala Belait tu 
bejako pasal besai, enda berasai meda cousin Jane
nyau macha primary 6 next year, it was like yesterday
I saw her just a baby...diatu nyau mesai aku ko mummy iya
hehehe *how time flies?*
my youngest cousin baby Sheena (adik Jane) with her cousin
so pretty & cute...rindu meda sida mesai tu
berebut ka merap Armand..
here comes baby Arthur stealing the show, wearing the
same baju as Armand, mcm bedanji pulakkss...
cousin in law with her daughters and my daughter
Icha (my brother sis-in law) who came from Kuching
with her family...
Look at Armand & Arthur mesti seduai terkejuttss
wearing the same baju, "buy 1, free 1" hahaha
One for the album Christmas 2011

Praise the Lord that we can celebrate another year of Christmas with joy, peace, love and harmony among our family members, relatives and friends (neighbours).  Today is all about Family Ties....May God continue to leave his "shalom" upon our family members, relatives, friends far and near.  Keep the Spirit of Christmas within us at all times! It's all about Jesus' Love.

Stayed tune for last wedding reception of the year tomorrow (27th Dec) and ushering New Year 2012...till then, stay blessed!

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